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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Alberta?

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A woman pointing to her mouth while holding a model of what a dental implant looks like on the inside of the mouth

What Do Dental Implants Cost in Alberta?

If you’re looking at solutions for cracked, missing, or injured teeth, dental implants could be the solution. Dental implant surgery is a common procedure, offering patients a long-term solution to ensure they’re happy with their smiles for years to come. 

But how much do dental implants cost? Is the investment, both in time and money, worth it? It’s vital first to understand what dental implants are and how the surgery works to determine why some costs might be higher.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a replacement for damaged or missing teeth. A person’s teeth can become damaged or missing for a variety of reasons; however, the most common include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Injury or trauma

A person may need dental implants if they experience an injury like a cracked tooth, damaging the tooth enamel and leaving the vital nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth vulnerable. 

However, dental implants can be necessary due to tooth decay or gum disease. These conditions can cause lost teeth because they aren’t secure in the gums.

To replace missing teeth, dental implants consist of an artificial tooth that sits in the space where your damaged or missing tooth used to be. The artificial tooth itself isn’t the implant—the implant itself is a titanium rod inserted into the jawbone to hold the artificial tooth in place.

Determining Eligibility for Dental Implants

It’s essential first to determine if a person is a candidate for a dental implant procedure. Most people are likely eligible for dental implant surgery; however, some conditions could increase a person’s risk of poor procedure outcomes, including:

  • Having cancer
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Taking immunosuppressants
  • Grinding teeth

One of the most critical factors affecting a person’s eligibility is how much jawbone they have. If a person doesn’t have enough jawbone, the dental implant won’t sit properly. Some people may be eligible for a jawbone graft to extend the jawbone. A graft takes either natural bone from another part of the body or synthetic bone and places it on the jaw, which helps the implant reach it.

How Does a Dental Implant Procedure Work?

A dentist will take x-rays of the patient’s mouth and jawbone to help determine if a person is eligible for dental implant surgery. The x-rays will also ensure the proper placement of the implant within the patient’s smile. If there is a cracked or damaged tooth, the dentist will remove it.

Dental implant surgery occurs in 2 phases. During the first phase, the dentist puts the implant in the jawbone underneath the gum tissue. After inserting the implant, the dentist stitches the gum tissue back together. The titanium implant bonds with the jawbone as the gum tissue heals, creating a solid, immovable base. The healing process takes several months.

During the second appointment, the dentist will attach an abutment on top of the implant. This abutment is what the artificial tooth will sit on, keeping the tooth and implant connected. The artificial tooth is then carefully placed on the abutment and adjusted to fit seamlessly into the patient’s smile.

A dentist holding a model of teeth with a dental implant present, model shows what a dental implant looks like in your jaw bone.

What Factors Affect Dental Implant Cost?

Dental implants in Alberta vary in cost between dentists and how extensive a procedure the patient needs. Alberta’s dental fee guide estimates between $2000.00—$6000.00 for a single dental implant procedure. There are a few factors that determine this cost. 


Dentists use high-grade titanium to create a dental implant. Additionally, artificial teeth are made from either porcelain, ceramic, or resin. These materials greatly determine the overall cost of a dental implant procedure.

Additional Procedures

If a person requires jawbone grafting, the cost of their dental implant procedure will be greater than somebody who doesn’t. On top of the cost of the grafting procedure, there are also fees associated with x-rays and determining if someone is eligible for grafting.


If a person requires more than one dental implant, the entire procedure will cost more based on materials, time, and surgical expertise. Additionally, if a person needs implant-supported dentures, that could create added costs.

Getting Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is a good investment if you’re looking for a permanent solution for a damaged or missing tooth. Speaking to your dentist about dental implants and other restorative dental care options is the first step toward avoiding serious oral health problems.

Get in touch with our team at Symmetry Dental to discover if dental implant surgery is right for you and to get an idea of the costs associated with your unique procedure.

When it comes to restoring your smile after experiencing cracked, missing, or injured teeth, dental implants are often seen as a remarkable solution. Dental implant surgery has become a common procedure, offering patients a long-term solution to ensure they are happy with their smiles for years to come. However, before embarking on this journey, it’s essential to understand what dental implants are, how the surgery works, and the factors that can influence the cost in Alberta. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of dental implants, exploring their benefits, the intricacies of the procedure, and the various cost components associated with dental implants in Alberta. By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of the investment, both in terms of time and money, involved in getting dental implants in Alberta. Chapter 1: Understanding Dental Implants Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials, typically titanium. These implants are surgically placed in the jawbone to serve as anchors for replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants offer several advantages, including: Durability: Dental implants are a long-term solution, often lasting a lifetime if properly cared for. Natural Appearance: They look and feel like real teeth, enhancing your smile and overall appearance. Improved Function: Dental implants restore proper chewing and speech abilities. Preservation of Jawbone: They help prevent bone loss, maintaining facial structure. Enhanced Self-Esteem: Restoring your smile can boost your self-confidence and quality of life. Chapter 2: The Dental Implant Procedure Before diving into the costs, it’s crucial to understand the step-by-step process of getting dental implants. The procedure typically consists of the following stages: Initial Consultation: You’ll meet with a dental professional to evaluate your eligibility for dental implants. Factors such as oral health, bone density, and medical history are considered. Treatment Planning: A customized treatment plan is created, outlining the number of implants needed, the type of restoration, and any additional procedures, such as bone grafting or tooth extractions. Implant Placement: During surgery, the dental implant or implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The gum is then stitched up. Osseointegration: Over a period of several months, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone, providing a stable foundation. Abutment Placement: After osseointegration, an abutment (connector) is attached to the implant, which will secure the final restoration. Final Restoration: The prosthetic tooth or teeth (crown, bridge, or denture) is securely attached to the abutment, completing the process. Chapter 3: Factors Influencing the Cost of Dental Implants The cost of dental implants in Alberta can vary significantly, depending on several factors. Understanding these elements will help you estimate the potential cost of your dental implant procedure: Number of Implants: The more implants you need, the higher the overall cost. Single-tooth implants are less expensive than full mouth restorations. Type of Restoration: Crowns, bridges, and dentures all come with different price points. Dentures are typically more affordable, while single crowns can be costlier. Implant Material: While titanium implants are the most common, zirconia implants are also available, albeit at a higher cost. Bone Grafting: If your jawbone lacks the necessary density to support implants, bone grafting may be required, adding to the total cost. Tooth Extractions: If you have teeth that need to be extracted before implant placement, this can increase the overall cost. Location and Dental Professional: The cost of dental implants may vary depending on where you choose to have the procedure done and the experience of the dental professional performing it. Additional Procedures: Any necessary adjunct procedures, such as sinus lifts or soft tissue grafts, can increase the total cost. Chapter 4: Dental Implant Costs in Alberta As of my knowledge cutoff date in January 2022, dental implant costs in Alberta ranged from $1,500 to $4,500 per implant, with the average cost being around $2,500 to $3,000 per implant. Keep in mind that these prices are subject to change over time and may vary by location and the factors mentioned above. It’s essential to get a personalized estimate by consulting with a dental professional, as they can assess your specific needs and provide a more accurate cost estimate for your dental implant procedure. Many dental practices in Alberta offer free initial consultations to discuss your options and provide cost estimates. Chapter 5: Financing Options for Dental Implants Given the investment involved in dental implant surgery, many patients explore financing options to make the procedure more affordable. Here are some potential options to consider: Dental Insurance: Some dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost, particularly if the implants are deemed medically necessary. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): These accounts allow you to use pre-tax dollars to cover medical expenses, including dental implants. Payment Plans: Many dental practices offer in-house or third-party financing plans that allow you to make monthly payments over time. Personal Loans or Credit Cards: You can explore traditional financing options, such as personal loans or credit cards, to cover the cost of dental implants. Government Assistance: In some cases, government assistance or grants may be available for individuals who require dental implants for medical reasons. Chapter 6: Making an Informed Decision Before proceeding with dental implant surgery, it’s essential to be well-informed and make a decision that aligns with your oral health needs and financial considerations. Here are some key steps to take: Consultation: Schedule consultations with multiple dental professionals to get a better understanding of your specific needs and receive accurate cost estimates. Research: Explore reviews and credentials of dental professionals to ensure they are experienced in implant dentistry. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the procedure, costs, and financing options during your consultations. Consider Long-Term Benefits: While the upfront cost of dental implants can be significant, consider the long-term benefits in terms of improved quality of life and oral health. Budgeting: Plan your budget to accommodate the cost of dental implants, and explore financing options if needed. Conclusion Dental implants can be a life-changing solution for individuals with missing or damaged teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional improvements. While the cost of dental implants in Alberta can vary based on various factors, the long-term benefits they offer are often worth the investment. To make an informed decision, consult with dental professionals, explore financing options, and prioritize your oral health and well-being. By doing so, you can achieve a healthy and confident smile that can last a lifetime.
Dr. Saleema Adatia, Calgary dentist

Written by Dr. Saleema Adatia

Dr. Saleema Adatia earned her Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD) from Tufts University in 2006. Since then, she’s been committed to serving her patients’ needs with the utmost passion. Dr. Adatia has owned and operated Symmetry Dental since 2013 and has integrated high-quality services with friendly care into the philosophy of the practice.

With a goal of providing the best patient care possible, Dr. Adatia ensures that her practice stays up to date with the latest dental technologies and techniques. Her personal passion for dentistry stems from a desire to create a positive impact on each patient’s quality of life. Whether that means treating people’s pain or restoring function and beauty to their smiles, the goal is always the same: to help make patient’s lives just a little bit better by working together in harmony.

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